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Transform Exhaustion, Overwhelm & Anxiety into
Energy & Purpose-Driven Success

Image by Danie Franco

Claim your free 30-minute consultation to prevent or recover from burnout. Get the first step in your plan for bringing your best to the people and projects that matter most to you.

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Are you feeling exhausted? Dealing with brain fog and emotional overload? Go from exhausted to energized with 6 simple strategies. Reclaim your well-being & increase your personal power.

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Work with Dr. Sandra to elevate your purpose-driven success. Fuel your heart and soul with joy and passion for every part of your life. Feel the way you want to feel as you make your impact and build your legacy.

  • Dr. Sandra Y. Lewis

Flow. Every. Day.

Is your calendar so full that you can’t even see a little space between events? Or maybe events overlap because you’re trying to do a little bit of everything. You know. It’s like approaching life as though you’re at a buffet with tantalizing appetizers. You get a little bit of everything. You might be full at the end. But you’re not satisfied. Unfortunately, sometimes, we feel this way about our lives. Full. But not satisfied. Here are some ideas to help you get that uuuummm good feeling of satisfaction each day.

Complete these 2 activities during the first 15 minutes of your morning.


  • Each morning when you open your eyes, greet your Truth. Remember who you are and be thankful for the gifts that you and only you bring to the world. Carl Sagan was famous for saying, we’re made of star stuff. There’s a SuperStar inside you. Greet her/him the first thing every morning. If you need help finding your SuperStar, click here and check out Yes! Be remarkable! It is your destiny.


  • Next, before your feet hit the floor, review your schedule for the day. Take a look at your phone, journal or datebook. What do you have lined up? Roll through it in your mind. Think about the resources you need to make it all happen and confirm that they’re in place. Then, decide how you want to feel at the end of the day? Get clear in your mind.

  • As you move through the up and down slopes of the day, remind yourself of the feeling you want to have. Adjust in the moment to help yourself capture that feeling. Think about how the work of your day is related to your SuperStar identity. Remember everything you do can make your star shine brighter. This will help you keep the feeling you want going. Now you’re ready to get going.

Complete these activities during the evening.

After all the chores are done, take 15 – 20 minutes for you.


  • Consider the flow of your day. Were your high-stress and low-stress activities organized in a pattern that helped you maintain your energy and focus? Did you program some downtime into your day? Check the amount of open space in your calendar for tomorrow. Are there things that can be rearranged easily to create better flow for you? If not, consider what resource you’ll need to be your best and move through tough transitions. Claim them as you close your eyes for the night.


  • End your day with a gratitude practice. There are numerous ways to practice:

  1. Take a photo of something you appreciate. Make a wall of gratitude with a collage of the photos so that you can see it each day.

  2. Write down 2 or three things that you’re thankful for that occurred during your day or that are part of your life in general.

  3. Send a thank you note to someone acknowledging your gratitude.

  4. Keep a gratitude journal.

Put living your truth, organizing to accomplish your mission, balancing your energies and being grateful into practice each day. Soon it becomes seamless because you have more flow and rhythm in your life. Day-by-day, you’ll begin to locate the synchronicity in your world and be pleasantly surprised how things seem to line up and fall into place. You’ll likely find ways to organize your life so that you thrive and stay focused on your highest truth. Yes, that’s harmony, that uuuummm good place. It’s yours. All day. Every. Day.

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