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Transform Exhaustion, Overwhelm & Anxiety into
Energy & Purpose-Driven Success

Image by Danie Franco

Claim your free 30-minute consultation to prevent or recover from burnout. Get the first step in your plan for bringing your best to the people and projects that matter most to you.

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Are you feeling exhausted? Dealing with brain fog and emotional overload? Go from exhausted to energized with 6 simple strategies. Reclaim your well-being & increase your personal power.

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Work with Dr. Sandra to elevate your purpose-driven success. Fuel your heart and soul with joy and passion for every part of your life. Feel the way you want to feel as you make your impact and build your legacy.

  • Dr. Sandra Y. Lewis

Spring Into Change, Bounce, Roll Out Your Goals ~ Part 1

Spring has arrived and I’m reminded that Mother Nature is a master of flow. She keeps her cycle going from season to season. Over hills, through wind, across snow, rain or shine, she keeps it moving to her next destination. In my part of the world, we often mark Spring by warmer temperature, amount of sunshine and flowers growing. But these physical things are the result of something sure and steady that we don’t see - energy. Energy is the key to change.

Traditionally, Spring is the time of year when we want to clear out and cleanse. In the same way that the wind increases and spreads seeds around the earth, we “Spring clean” our bodies and homes to make room for growth.

Spring reminds us that it’s time blossom. It’s time to show an even better side of us.

Sometimes we need to clear away blockages that keep us from being our best in our body, mind, and spirit. When we’re at our best we grow, shift, change, bloom and take action on our goals.

Below are a few strategies to help you with Spring cleaning your body and energizing yourself toward your goals.

Body Boost

Re-evaluate your self-care plan. Our bodies need food, sleep & movement. Your New Year’s resolutions may have gotten you off to a great start. But you may have slipped and missed a few steps on that plan for a healthier you. Spring is a great time to begin again. It’s like Mother Nature hit the reset button. So, reorganize your self-care routine, if needed. Be sure your routine includes some morning movement and movement throughout the day. You can dance, run, walk, swim, practice yoga, Tai Chi or Qigong. Breathe. Divide your movement across the day. Schedule movement breaks into your day.

If you sit for long periods, get up. In Eat Move Sleep, Tom Rath shares research about the toll that sitting takes on our bodies and our energy level. Rath says research suggests taking 2 minutes every 20 minutes to move your body. Put another way, dedicate 10% of each hour to movement. That’s 6 minutes. So, get on that dance floor every 54! Stretch, walk, move something.

Rath and others talk about research on sleep and food. Poor sleep is associated with burnout at work and a host of illnesses. Even though you could probably guess that, the research supports your intuition. I had a colleague who used to keep a “friend fruit” like an apple or orange in her office. Other people like small trail mix bags with dried fruit and nuts. Nutritious food and restful sleep equal better performance and mood. Plan your food and sleep. Identify sources of good food for those days when you need support with nutrition. Make sure you have a shut down routine so that you can rest throughout the night. Get at least 7 hours of sleep.

Your body needs energy. You know it. You know what it’s like on those days when you’re falling asleep at your computer, achy, stiff, and hungry. You may as well put up the closed for business sign. You’re working but you’re not getting much done.

Simple strategies that we weave into our day produce the physical vitality we need to move, shake and advance our goals. Remember you need good food, sleep, and movement.

Write down 5 things you will do to enhance your self-care. Plan them into everyday. Mix it up.

Make it fun. Put your body into it.

We’ve been working on our goals in our Facebook community. Please feel free to join us in REVIVAL: A Place for Women To Restore, Revive, and Recharge. We’re nurturing our bodies (Body Love), clearing and centering our minds (Mind Matters), tuning in to our emotional wealth (Feeling Right) and getting inspired to shine our purpose like a spotlight (Spirit Lifted). I’m there to support you.

The Living Source’s mission is to uplift women who elevate their purpose to transform their lives and the world. Fulfilling your purpose takes energy. We’re here to help you build and sustain the energy to be who you came to the world to be.

Get a copy of our free EBook, “Plug In To The Power Of You”. The EBook will get you moving with a checklist to take your energy pulse and some strategies to add to your self-care, productivity, and fulfillment playlist.

© Sandra Y. Lewis

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